Archive for the 'Small' Category

Layouts that fit onto the ’standard’ 8 by 4 foot sheet of plywood.

"The Little Layout" by Geren W Mortensen

Posted on May 17th, 2002
Click to enlarge
© Geren W Mortensen

Geren W. Mortensen writes: “Some time ago, I was challenged to design a small, potentially portable, On30 layout that would provide interesting operation, and continuous running for display purposes. The result was something I called The Little Layout. The track plan turned out to be 3 feet by 8 feet, which is just the right size to fit on the tables provided at many train shows. The plan is my expansion of the now-famous Snowshoe and Gumstump track plan, also known as the original Gila Pacific.”

Geren’s website used to have an in-depth history of this plan (showing its evolution to the final form, plus a couple of suggestions for expanding the plan to fit a 5′ by 9′ baseboard). Geren’s converted this to a PDF file and has kindly agreed to me hosting a copy here (238kb file).

"Sunny Bay"

Posted on March 10th, 2002

This layout offers out-and-back operation and is intended to be put into practice in 009/H0n3 or a similar gauge. If offers a small terminus at the top level (top right on the plan) from which trains depart, dropping out of sight before emerging a seaside through station (bottom left). Trains that continue into the tunnel either come out at a dockside goods yard (bottom right) or go around the hidden loop and come back out of the tunnel ready to stop again at the beachside station before heading on up to the terminus.

Click to enlarge
Sunny Bay © Emrys Hopkins

The layout is designed to fit on two 4′ x 2′ boards for portability. Dotted lines indicate hidden tracks. The minimum radius on the plan is 7″ (the curve to the very left of the plan). The reversing loop has a 9″ radius.

Possible improvements: Where should I start?! A sector plate underneath the terminus to replace the reversing loop would allow a greater variety of rolling stock (as well as making the wiring easier!). I would suggest that a purely scenic board be added to the front of the layout showing the headland (with a lighthouse?) between the beach station and the dock scene.